Moments of Insanity in a Strange New World

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

OK started my painting project

I'm doing a series of paintings for one of my best friends Ralph. I hope you're not reading this Ralph because you're not supposed to see these yet :)

It's a Yule present. The theme is for each Archangel and element associated with it. Thus the first one is Angel Gabriel and water and the Holy Grail which is the symbol/tool we use for our work in the West. I will be posting pictures as the paintings progress...I'm thrilled with painting again, it's something I need to do more of. I have another painting on done the blog if you want tosee more.

Unfortunately another one of mine is in a gallery atm and I didn't get a pic of best one my Mom still has and I can't get her to send me.

Anyway - here it is, as it grows -

The plate is floating in a sea of waves, with rocks on it. There is a candle which isn't lit yet and the Holy Grail which - most likely was quite plain. The two feathers from Angel Gabriel are slowly coming but feathers are actually quite hard to paint, I've found out. I have't started the highlights or shadows yet...but it's coming.

Snowstorm pics

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

feeling weird

So - I don't know what it is but I've been feeling a little weird lately. Maybe it's the loss of a real job or just haven't too much time on my hands...but it's a feeling of excitement and boredom all at once. It's really hard to describe but I guess I could say that one minute I'm feeling FULL of potential and looking forward to the future and going to school next semester...and then the next I feel bogged down and really depressed. It's like I go back and forth without stopping. The only thing that seems to stop it is Distraction or pills. The pills aren't anything permanent, it only gives 4 or 5 hours of peace in my head and then I'm back where I was.

I really wish I could just be settled with where I'm at but I keep getting this nagging feeling there's something more just on the horizon and I ..can't...quite...touch it. Like my insides are changing into something wonderful and terrible at the same time. Is this what it is like to be alone? I really don't know what it is...being single. On the weeks I don't have the kids I find myself wandering around the house looking at things at weird angles, noticing blotches I havent' seen before...and generally being haunted by my own house. The things that have happened here, the feelings, the births, the's all still here.
Luckily, on the 28th by Temple is coming to banish my house for good. yes, an honest to goodness exorcism. I need to find a place for the cats for the night but otherwise I am SO looking forward to this banishing....then I can spend time repainting and living in place that's fresh and new. Maybe at the same time they can sever the emotional ties I have with the past.

Some of this could be PMS I guess. I don't know, I have been sick to my stomach since last Thurs, and still am. I ate a litle today but I'm still on Gravol - long acting. It's a wonder I"m still in one piece.

I've had reason to think about my magical work a lot lately, explaining it to a friend of mine. I haven't given it much thought I guess, not enough at any rate. I find it really hard to describe to someone else with any coherency. I guess the best way to describe it - layman's the opening of portals of energy to other planes of exsistances...and letting spirits and such in and out. I know that I'm an my particular energies that I give to the group are powerful but unbridled. I can't *send* energy at all, or at least I'm untrained.

Lately I have been dealing in the Southern Quadrant quite a bit, and it's male fire energy. I'm like a newborn there, naked and honest. I know that if I put my mind to it, I could channel that energy like a beam of light down my body and out my arms and hands...but something is stopping it. I think it's fear, mostly. Fear of the Southern quadrant and the Archangel Michael. I don't know why he frightens me so much...maybe because I know that he knows I'm full of shit in the West. Yeah I may be a fertile goddess and in touch with my feminine, yadda yadda but when push comes to shove my real power is focused in the powerful male sense. The things I can actually put my mind to when I want...when I take energy from someone...sexually or even nonsexually and can twist it and warp it, circle it through and back to me. It's kind of eerie. I think since I know the feminine so well I have a very good handle on the male energy, but it scares me.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

my daughter

I just have to give evidence that my daughter is by far the most enlightened and wonderful being I have ever encountered. Aside from my crystal child son, that is.

As you know, my car is broken down. She has just received over $85 dollars US from my family in Colorado for her November birthday. I was just sitting here trying to figure out bus routes and she comes up to me with the most loving and innocent expression on her face. She says that she would rather use her birthday money to fix the car because she knows we need it more then she needs toys.
I just looked at her, in her knowledgable wise eyes and cried...literally cried. I cried for the kids of the world who are coming into awareness and enlightenment...I cried for the amazing job of raising her to be a kid who would do something like that. I also cried because I realized that she is truly a special being...and unlike any other I know.

So, the good news is, with my grocery money, my daughter's bday money and a little more I am going to be able to fix the car and go one with what I need to do.

I am just amazed and overwhelmed. If you meet her someday later in the world, make sure you know you're looking at an enlightened soul.

Damn car

Well - my suspension, steering and brakes are out on Moby Grape. I have over 190,000kms on the poor vehicle for being a 2000. I guess I should have gone a little easier on it , but hey it's not my fault I blame it all on Gene.

Couple that with losing my job last week things were on a bit of a slide. I am keeping it together, via pills and nice distractions to keep my spirits high. Thank you distraction :)

Anyway, I'm not too sure how things are goingto go from here on out. I am expecting a call from the Ex regarding a loan to get the car fixed. I dont' expect it to be a very good call since he has to ask his fiance to finance it off one of her credit cards. She just dropped off the kids here and didn't even say hello so I suspect things are a little tense on that side of the fence. But, what am I to do really? It wasn't my idea to take the kids out of a school I could walk to here at my house and move them closer to their's. I agreed to it to try and make things easier on them because they had a new baby to cart around and it was hard getting everyone ready in the morning with a baby in the car and stuff...however now I don't HAVE a car and am pretty much fuxxored with getting them across town to go to school.

I know I can't keep them here so I have to bus it now, which will cost me most likely 10 dollars a day or more for 4 people and 4 trips with transfers. I'm really really not looking forward to this during the winter...why does this always happen during Xmas.

I haveto try and make this work until Jan8the when I can sign for my loan and wait 5-6 days til it comes in the account. Then I get the car fixed and go from there...however my campus isin St Thomas so how the hell I'm going to get there - I have no clue. I need a car fairy :)

Monday, December 04, 2006

OK kids for a bit

pics of me