Moments of Insanity in a Strange New World

Monday, July 31, 2006

Alright - going a little crazy with the entries here but for my old friends who want to keep in ... my new friends, etc. I have an old journal on LJ, the link is

Have fun, most of it is mindless self pity wallowing.

learning Hebrew SUCKS MATZAH BALLS!!!

Bet ya'll motha fuckas didn't know me 'n Ewan McGregor have the same bday, didya. March 31st 1971. He and I picked the same time to come into this world because we are part of the same soul. I feel lost without him...empty...incomplete. And on that note - some pics.

Ahhhh bliss.

Come home to mama.

No no wait I do have pictures on photobucket of some set pieces I have been working on. Let me see if I can link this properly.

Set Pics

Alright, I suppose this is my blog. I set it up a while ago when I got the idea from my best friend's woman in Chicago - she's great, she's down there at the bottom if you're interested. Anyway, I suppose I should put some stuff in here. I am down with the new blog phenomenon - even the guys on the radio here in London have blogs. I mean who wants to READ what they think when you're already listening to it? I think that's a silly idea, personally. Radio is for ears, blogs is for eyes.
I don't have a digital camera yet *gasp* so I don't have any pictures to put in here. In fact, this is a laptop that Gene gave me (said best friend as above) and I had to reformat the entire OS because my BF downloaded 172, I count, 172 viruses whidch loaded themselves into the registry and a week later I am barely forgiving him for. So now I have a new operating system with no pictures or anything special on it. Except for W3....I said EXCEPT FOR W3!!!! for those chicago loser friends who never wantto play with me. No Names mentioned.

I have been having a shitty week, pretty much. Back from the brink of breaking up to being fine again in my relationship. I might be floating free and easy without any child support/spousal support which is very strange yet oddly exhilerating. Like Ferris said, "There is a freedom in knowing that you're completely screwed."

I have no idea if this is my blog.